UX/UI Design

Digital product mockups and workflows

I am experienced in making digital product designs such as web and mobile applications. I also create workflows to better visualize customer interaction with a product. All of my mockups are designed to be user-friendly, responsive, and easily identifiable. My mockups are created in a way that's easy to understand and transferrable to a product.

Camera E-Commerce Page
This is a design I created as a personal project. I'm very interested in photography and cameras, so I created an e-commerce page for buying camera supplies. I wanted to create a design that was retro, yet modern. I created a color palette that invokes the 70s era and a font that suited this branding.
Odeia Checkout Mockup
Odeia - Checkout Process
This mockup was for a theater ticketing app named Odeia. There was an existing Checkout design in place, but it wasn't intuitive. I redesigned the Checkout interface using the existing branding, as well as made changes based on user input.
FTI Cortex Dashboard Mockup
FTI Cortex Analytics Framework - Dashboard
I created this mockup for FTI. The company wanted an application that would allow users to create and execute workflows and functions. The Dashboard page displays the user's active workflows and allows for creating new workflows.

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